Issue Position: Maintain a Strong National Defense and Ensure Global Security

Issue Position

1. Maintain and expand the amount of air, naval, and ground forces based and maintained in the Hawaiian islands to enhance security in Asia, Australia, the Pacific, Indian, and Southern Oceans.

2. Continue to make the military more able to respond quickly with rapidly-deployed forces, including deep-striking air and missile systems.

3. Guarantee that the U.S. Government can fully and promptly assist other nations in securing, deactivating, and eliminating nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons in those nations.

4. Continue to reduce U.S. strategic nuclear forces to levels that encourage other nations to reduce their nuclear forces.

5. Stop relying on civilian "contractors" for essentially combat functions, like security and training, and reexamine Pentagon civilian contracting policies to guarantee that "contracting-out" really saves money for taxpayers.

6. Examine and implement the recommendations of the bipartisan commission for reform and modernization of the military compensation system, while protecting the pay and benefits for active-duty, reserve, and retired military personnel.
